Alternative text basics

What is alternative text? It is a short text alternative that explains the content and / or function of non-text content (photos, buttons, graphs)  in most digital documents such as Adobe Acrobat, Apple Pages and iBooks Author, Google Docs, Microsoft Office and OneNote and of course web pages such as this. Alternative text can be… Continue Reading Alternative text basicsContinue Reading Alternative text basics

Inclusive 21C learning spaces

Introduction Educational institutions have responsibility for maximising the learning outcomes and wellbeing of all learners through providing access to a high-quality education that is free from discrimination. All learners are entitled to quality education experiences, where they: feel included in an environment of high expectation are are both able and enabled to learn. To ensure this occurs, educators… Continue Reading Inclusive 21C learning spacesContinue Reading Inclusive 21C learning spaces

App instructor guides

Apple’s education team have released a  series of free ‘instructor’ guides‘  on the iBooks Store. Inspired by the work of Apple Distinguished Educators (ADEs) in the classroom, these guides provide tips and lesson ideas for using some of their most popular apps across different grade levels and subject areas.  . Explain Everything Lesson Ideas Hopscotch Lesson… Continue Reading App instructor guidesContinue Reading App instructor guides

Designing learning support into iBooks Author

At the core of Apple’s iOS are a wide array of accessibility options to enable users to personalise how they perceive content and interact with their devices.  The options are examples of universal design in action.  A universal design approach aims to create ‘products and environments to be usable by all people, to the greatest… Continue Reading Designing learning support into iBooks AuthorContinue Reading Designing learning support into iBooks Author

What can teacher’s learn from Apple’s design philosophy?

‘A great user interface follows human interface design principles that are based on the way people (users) think and work, not on the capabilities of the device. A user interface that is unattractive, convoluted, or illogical can make even a great application seem like a chore to use. But a beautiful, intuitive, compelling user interface… Continue Reading What can teacher’s learn from Apple’s design philosophy?Continue Reading What can teacher’s learn from Apple’s design philosophy?

Here’s to the crazy ones

This was a major advertising campaign for Apple late last century. It stands the test of time because it is a call to celebrate divergent thinkers and to be passionate about our creativity. These are traits we can all develop. As an educator it is the cornerstone of what we do. Here’s to the crazy… Continue Reading Here’s to the crazy onesContinue Reading Here’s to the crazy ones